
We love our products, and so do our customers. Read what they have to say.

Adam, Australia

This product works great. Protects my sternum nicely, keeping me in the water longer.

This product has solved many incidents and I am able now to keep surfing.

John, Oregon

Because of your product, a displaced cartilage in my rib is able to heal while I continue to surf. Thank you.

Chris, California

Its been way to long for a product like this to hit the market. Thanks.

Sean, USA

My uncle is named Kevin. He's an old surfer, maybe your friend of his or you know him. He lives in Hermosa Beach.

I hurt my back many years ago. And he gave me one of your vests..since then I have purchased your product.

I wish you the best of luck with your product. I have found it very useful for over a decade...helping me surf longer in the water, more years in the water, ( I am now 55) and keep my back healthier.

It is an integral part of my surfing now. And I don't usually travel with a board but I always travel with that vest.

I've surfed everywhere from Fiji to New Zealand to South Africa and that vest comes with me everywhere.

You are welcome to use this as a testimony.

Good luck and thanks!